At SkyNet, we’re pleased to announce the release of our new Curfew Violation Reporting system. Currently, in service for two international airports – Sydney (IATA: SYD) and Adelaide (IATA: ADL) – it is also available to all users of REACH Day Of Operations as a no-cost upgrade.
We developed this new functionality because curfew violations have a reporting requirement that falls to the aviation operators to prepare and submit to the relevant airport authority. These reports take time and operators preparing them usually don’t have the necessary weather and flightpath data easily at hand.
What it all means is that our automated reports save your staff from that extra work by generating a complete picture of the flight leading up to the landing. The new feature does this by logging:
- Location and runway details
- Date and time of landing
- Aircraft registration and flight number
- Weather forecasts and observations at the time of the landing
- Satellite map of aircraft approach path – including heading, speed and altitude – in the 30 mins prior to curfew violation.

With these automated reports, air operators can quickly secure the information they need to prove that there was a legitimate reason for breaching the curfew. You can see this in the test example provided: the preferred Runway 05 has no curfew restrictions but was unsuitable due to a 10kt tailwind and cloud cover at 600ft, this meant the flight was required to land on Runway 23. This landing caused a breach of curfew by passing directly over much of Adelaide’s urban and suburban area at 0403 hours.
Regardless of whether the curfew applies temporarily, or on just a single runway or the entire airport, as soon as your aircraft lands, these reports are generated immediately and are made available through the SkyNet REACH Flight Records module. If you have the new feature configured, all you need to do is look for the Curfew column to the far right of the screen and click the icon.
Setting the feature up is simple. Available as a no-cost upgrade for all users of REACH Day Of Operations, all you need to do to activate it is contact SkyNet Aviation and tell us the configuration parameters you need.
Curfew Violation Reporting is just the latest in our continual improvements to REACH Day Of Operations. It won’t be the last: our engineering team is always innovating. So, stay tuned.
If you have any questions regarding the new feature or anything else about REACH Day Of Operations, please contact SkyNet Aviation.